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Pay it Forward

Help Someone Find Freedom

Give a gift to someone you know or pay it forward

Triggered is a great gift for someone who is struggling with addictions, unwanted behaviors or negative thought patterns. Accountability and support is essential, but reaching out in tough moments is hard. Triggered makes it easy for them to reach out for the support and accountability they need to find freedom.

Friends or Family

Help someone you know find freedom with Triggered
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Pay it Forward

Contribute to someone in need and help them find freedom
Pay it Forward

Support a Cause

Make a difference by donating to a specific cause or event
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Donate to great cause

Do you want to partner with Triggered and give to great cause? Consider donating to an event, a goal or a campaign to raise awareness and support for people in need. Select a campaign to learn more or to donate to today!

Easter Fundraiser

Goal of 100 Subscriptions

As we celebrate Easter and remember how Jesus paid the cost for us to be truly set free, let us consider paying for someone else's freedom. Our goal is to raise 100 one-year Triggered subscriptions to be given to people in need. Your gifts can be personalized with a message of hope and donated anonymously to a person in need.